Ruger Mk-1
The smallest pistol you'll handle in TS. It occupies 5 slots only and is inherently silenced. 17 rounds in the mag, almost recoil-less , wall piercing , and extremely accurate, its only drawback is its weak ammo.
Seal knife 2000
You can carry up to 10 seal knives. It is lighter than the normal combat knife, so it can be thrown farther away, but with reduced damage you will need a couple of hits to bag your kill. It can also be slashed faster than the combat knife.
G2 Contender
Sporting a barrel that is over a foot long, the Contender is a beast of a pistol that utilizes rifle ammunition to do incredible damage. Make sure the shot finds its mark though, because you only get one before you have to reload.
M61 Fragmentation grenade
Avaiable only as a powerup in deathmatch, the M61 grenade has a short range but lethal effect, making it useful when players need to clear a room of opponents.
Taurus Raging Bull
Five rounds of .454 Casull allows a sure kill at close range with one shot and just a few from longer ranges due to its 6'' barrel length. Its only drawbacks are its small five round cylinder, long reload time, and strong recoil.
A Beautiful weapon that comes from the Orient (or from The Matrix Reloaded, depending on how cultured you are), it is a powerful close range weapon with several special moves such as the back slash and powerful crouching/lunge attack.
Mossberg 500 ASA Modified/Custom
The Mossberg, (or 'Mossy' as it is sometimes affectionatley refered to), is the most powerful shotgun in the game, and is extremely deadly at close range, its only downfall is that it is pump action only making for a slow fire rate.
Steyr AUG (Bullpup)
The Aug has a slower rate of fire, and less accuracy than the M4 and is more simmialr to the AK in its specs. It does come with a 2X spotting scope by default though.
The meaty .45 UMP has been upgraded from the previous versions of TS to include a deadly two round burst mode, and a fairly powerful stock attack.
Scorpion VZ 61
The Scorpion vz. 61 is a Czechoslovak machine pistol developed in 1959.
Load up your 100 rounds of 5.56nato into this belt fed mahine gun, strap on your head set, and yell like rambo as you mow down waves of oncomming players. Just don't expect to be able to move very well under its weight.
Sawed Off Shotgun
Double barrelled side by side shotgun. It chambers 20mm shells but the shortened barrels make for a wide spread that is deadly at close range, but make it innacurate over long distances. It has a fast reload time but only 2 shots, so make them count.
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